Here's a bit more about me, Zack Schuster

I'm a 34-year-old enby, formerly of The Midwest, currently moonlighting as a ø in California.

I try to write stories that pretend to be novels. I try to say familiar things in new ways & mostly don't. I try to be positive a lot, but a lot of times I get really anxious instead. I try to end everything I write with either "Everything will be alright" or "I hope you have a wonderful life," because it makes me smile and I hope it'll make you smile too.

I love the semicolon; however, my love is unrequited. I find solace — however fleeting — in the arms of the hyphen.

A teacher of mine once said that inside every novelist is a cheap philosopher. It's true.

*smiles for the non-existent camera*

Let's call this part a "potpourri" because that seems like fun